Attorney Directory
This is GALDEF’s Cooperating Attorneys Network Directory and Outreach (CAN DO) program page. The directory offers attorneys the opportunity to freely list their services here, identifying which areas of law they specialize
in (constitutional law, family law, consumer fraud, civil and human rights law, equal protection law, personal injury, immigrant rights, etc). Potential plaintiffs can search for an attorney who can offer them legal assistance related
to circumcision-related complaints.
We especially welcome the opportunity to work with attorneys who have a passion for impact litigation and changing the U.S. legal landscape in favor of protecting children’s bodily integrity regardless of sex or gender.
We’re just getting started!
Kane Law Firm [ website ]
Llewellyn Law Firm [ website ]
- Common Circumcision Injuries and their Causes
- Circumcision and Your Rights
- Symposium on Genital Autonomy and Children’s Rights (2018)